> How can my mom give up her pet chickens?

How can my mom give up her pet chickens?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
She should put them up for sale on Craigslist. People do this all the time, and if she prices them reasonably, they will soon find a new home. I've gotten chickens cheaply and sometimes for free on Craigslist. She could also put up an ad at a local feedstore, too. It's not really that difficult to get rid of chickens, especially if they are good layers.

She might be able to fight to keep them, if they're pets, through the local government. If she doesn't want to do that, have her call around and talk to local organizations. Try http://www.oc4h.org/communityclubs/lfs/ (Orange County 4H), even if they don't have any way to help, they probably can direct you to an organization that might teach children to care for animals. Or maybe you could even look for a local farm that would take them on. Good luck!

She may be able to donate them to

A farm. Do some research on local farms and contact some farmers about them, or put an offer on Craig's list to sell them to someone able to care for them

If dogs and cats are allowed as pets it may be discriminatory to exclude chickens. Many people have challenged rulings like this in other places. To me if a dog can be heard to bark I should be able to keep a pet rooster even if he crows.

you should just put them on craigslist. if your mom doesnt want them to get eaten, you could say that they are only for pet and will not sell them for farming. or if you dont want people to lie, write on the ad that you will only give them to the right home.

My mom raised baby chicks into hens, and then got caught by the Homeowner's Association. They say she can't keep the chickens. She can't bring herself to kill them and tried to give them to a nearby animal shelter that has chickens, but they say she can't give up the chickens unless she is a local resident and the county shelter (we don't have a city one) seems to accept only dogs and cats. What can my mom do other than eat the chickens?

She lives in Laguna Hills, California.