Haven't tried this myself, but maybe it will work for you. Get a sturdy umbrella, maybe a black one, paint big EYES on it, and open it as you walk out the door. It should scare the bird into not attacking. If not, don't open it all the way, but flap it open and closed in front of the bird and that should do it.
Uhm, no. I wish I could tell you otherwise. ^^; Really not. They're nasty things when they're protecting nests. Best to find a way to guard yourself, umbrella maybe, the one with eyes suggestions was awesome but I'd do several smaller ones instead(block the top so you don't skewer them...though I imagine you'd wish to after a while of this!) , maybe a tarp or blanket and run for it. There's really not much else you can do unless you can find another way out and to your car.
As soon as the babies can fly, remove the nest. Next year, watch for nest builders and remove it before they lay eggs (or at least before the eggs hatch.).
I know the birds are defending their nest and a lot of people suggest I simply avoid the area, but their nest is located directly outside my front door, and it's the only way to get to my car. I'm having troubles walking my dogs or simply leaving the house.
Any suggestions on how to end the blackbird attacks?