> How big do my permanent chicken coop and run have to be?

How big do my permanent chicken coop and run have to be?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Coop: 12' x 12', basically like a wooden shed. This should give you about 5 sq. ft. per bird. Corrugated deck roofing I have on my coop. Cheap and easy to install.

Run: Fence in an area that's about 4000 sq. ft. That's about 130 sq. ft. per bird.

Right now we have 10 hens, 1 chick, and 1 rooster, but we will probably get as many as 25-30 chickens.

We currently have a mobile chicken house with an electric fence serving as a run around it). We are going to build a barn and have a room off the end of the barn be the chicken coop with a permanent run attached, and just were wondering how big they would have to be.

We were thinking 12x12 for the indoor part. That is where they would sleep, eat, lay eggs, etc.

However, we have no idea how big the outdoor runs should be. Should we make several, so we can alternate them whenever one starts to become all dirt, that way the previous runs can grow back with grass? How many outdoor runs would you suggest we make?

Also, I would really like to cover the top of the outdoor runs with wire, so is there an easy way to do that? I guess it would depend on how wide the run was.

The reason we need it done is because the barn is probably 700 feet from the house somewhat close to the woods, so, like this year if a hen hatches some chicks, they need to be able to be outside without any fear of getting carried off by a hawk. What sort of fencing should we use so chicks cannot escape?

How can we deter digging predators? Right now we have a 4x8 run attached to a 6x12 coop, and the run's bottom is made of wire so nothing can dig in.

Thanks for your help!