> How big can a camouflage spider get?

How big can a camouflage spider get?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Well, 'camouflage spider' is an ambiguous name given to a lot of spiders, so this depends on the particular spider. Some can be very tiny, others as big as your hand.

A bird dung spider for example, just looks like a small pile of bird dung, but will scurry off if you touch it.

A trash line orb weaver blends in well with the junk in its trash line.

A huge fishing spider can be nearly invisible on the trunk of a tree.

Flower spiders can even change their colors to blend in with their surroundings.

Some spiders though, don't care to hide in favor of catching prey. Often they have striking colors like an orchard spider. their colors help then avoid predation from birds and wasps. Not a big spider, but not small. Check this out:

Thanks for your answer :D

I was looking up stuff about arachnids and i wondering about a camouflage spider. My brother has spotted one out before but I couldn't really see it because it was like a clear color. Can anyone tell me how big they are? I never got to see it...