> How big are black caimans?

How big are black caimans?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
How big are they on average?

How big do they get?

How big is the largest one on record?

(Post pictures if possible)

Thanks in advance all.

The black caiman is one of the largest extant reptiles. Most adult black caimans are 2.8 to 4.26 metres in length, with a few old males growing larger than 5 m. In some areas (such as the Araguaia River) this species is consistently reported at 4 to 5 metres in length, although specimens this size are uncommon. Several widely reported but unconfirmed sources report that the black caiman can grow to over 6 m in length.

Here's some pictures:




How big are they on average?

How big do they get?

How big is the largest one on record?

(Post pictures if possible)

Thanks in advance all.