> Help with my red bird Mango!!!?

Help with my red bird Mango!!!?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
1. Do not remove the eggs from the cage as this will encourage her to lay more eggs

2. She needs more calcium as egg laying uses a lot of calcium. Give her cuttlebone, mineral block, or some broccoli, which are all rich in calcium.

2. Make sure she is getting enough sleep, cover her cage with a blanket because giving her extra exposure to light will encourage her to lay more eggs

3. Bring her to a vet, because chronic egg laying is a MEDICAL EMERGENCY.

Are you really saying you would kill yourself? On a public network? REALLY? Someone can call the police or report this and they will trace the URL and computer chip ID back to where you live, and you will get in serious trouble for threatening your life and you will have to go to therapy and get mental help. As for the bird, call your vet and just ask. You don't have to get medicine, just find out hwats wrong and maybe the vet will help.

I have three canaries and I love them sooo sooo much. Firstly I bought two canaries Tweety yellow and Mango red. I bought them last summer in July 2013. Then I bought Tango white in April. Tango is not that cute because he is skinny and such a scaredy cat. Mango has laid 14 eggs in total they never hatched she ate all of them very long story no time to explain. Helpp because she is laying too many eggs. She is not stoping!!! I have heard that they came die if they lay too many eggs how can I stop her from laying eggs. Also her neck is now bald and she's not sitting on the nest anymore the eggs are not fertilized plus there are only 2 left and so old lol. I even might throw them in the bin. Oh and even from the last 2 days when she poops it gets stuck on her bottom until she shakes it like 5 times. So I also think she has dhiarhea sorry but I really need someone to help me. Please give some advice because if she dies I will kill myself and I'm not joking I really can't live without her???? Please don't tell me to buy a medicine because my father doesn't let!! Thank you very much.