> Help with my Chicks please... Again!?

Help with my Chicks please... Again!?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Its best to keep them apart since the 7 have started an order and the 2 will have there's soon enough plus the older are stronger and could harm the smaller ones then when they all reach about 4 months then allow the 2 to enter with the 7 and then an order will be made to fit all 9 birds together.

Is that an open area under the window for the bottom half that's screened or is that screened if have to can run a cord threw the window if they open if not threw the door to hang the laps... And this is a small coop for 9 healthy birds to live in where are the roost and nest boxes are these bantams or reg sized birds??You do need water and feed dispencers in the coop as well.

I have food and water dispensers with each set of chicks... They are reg sized... here are the list of my chicks:

* 2 Black Sex Links

* 1 Ameraucana

* 3 Black Jersey Giants

* 1 Brown Leghorn

* 1 Road Island Red

* 1 Rainbow Layer

We figured we have 2 one week old chicks, and 7 two week old chicks. When can the younger ones be put in with the older ones? Also I need a good idea of how to put the heat lamp on both sets of chicks for Monday if they can't be together. We keep the younger chicks in the upper part and block it off with board so the older chicks can't get up with them. The older ones are in the bottom. Also we don't know how to set the heat lamp up in the coop... I put the picture of the chicks and the coop. Please help me..