Judging by the pictures, I have a good feeling that's exactly what they were. Thanks!
I was in Disney world about 8 years ago in Orlando, Florida, and the resort I was staying at we had 2 guests every morning. A pair of very large birds(which we named cheese and crackers) would hang around our building. The resort was Disney's old key west, which has many ponds and marshy areas, perfect for aquatic birds. We noticed them picking at the grasses as well as bread other guests tossed towards them.
All I can remember was that they were tall(much bigger than I was at the time, so at least 5 and a half feet), had long, pointed beaks, and the most defining feature was red on their faces. can't remember the plumage colors but i'm assuming grayish-brown. I think they also stepped like a stork or heron, but they were much bigger than any I have ever seen before.
I remember thinking at the time that they resembled an Emu I had seen at an aviary before the trip.They always walked very close together in near perfect unison and did not appear afraid of humans. In fact they seemed glad to get attention from the guests and had no problem coming within a few yards of the windows.
Any assistance or thoughts as to what these enormous, social birds would be appreciated!