> Help me Please!! Is my Zebra finch sick?!?

Help me Please!! Is my Zebra finch sick?!?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
PS. He only Breathes really fast at night when he sleeps. in the day he Breathes i little bit faster that the other birds.

Hello there!

i have a question about my Beautiful zebra finches! some of them have recently starting to breath really fast… If u look at the video i uploaded he is breathing REALLY fast but is pretty thin.They aren't fluffed up and they are still active, singing, eating and drinking. I think its air sac mites :(. anyways i can't take em to the vet because its to far away but i would really like to buy some medicine for them. The problem is that I'm living in Sweden and i have no ******* idea of where u can't buy medicine that kills Air Sac Mites for Zebra finches. If u know whats wrong with them or where i can buy treatment that kills Air sac mites for ZEBRA FINCHES please comment it. Please I'm in desperate need of help :(((( i don't want em to die :( :(

Thank you :)