Omg poor bird, your so kind rescuing this bird. I hope is doing better. Where the vets able to do anything for it?
you are a compassionate person however you should contact wild life and fisheries as soon as possible
they will see that this bird receives proper care from a vett.
Yes its a gull and its a juvenile bird. Well done.
Hi I found a bird im not sure what it is it looks like a dove its white with gray brownish markings and duck like feet. It got hit by a car. Its kinda big. Its wing was just hanging on by feathers so I cut it off with scissors and wrapped it with gauze. I gave it water with diatomaceous earth hoping it will cure something. Please help I dont know what to do I fed him some water and bread. And put him in a dark wooden hamper with newspaper in it. Please help I rescued him off the road people were gonna hit him. Gonna upload a pic of him