> Help! Found a Squirrel Laying on His Back Twitching?

Help! Found a Squirrel Laying on His Back Twitching?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
I was putting cloths on the clothesline in my backyard and I noticed a squirrel laying on the ground tummy up flailing his arms/legs/ and tail? What should I do?

call rspca or leave it, u dont wanna get bite

Start rescue breathing and CPR. Or put it in a warm place to recuperate - sounds like it fell out of a tree onto it's back and had the wind knocked out.

I once rescued a squirrel for the jaws of a neighbor's dog. After 2 hours in my pocket looking like it was gonna die - the head finally peeked out. I keep him in a pet carrier at night and my pocket during the day for a few days. When he was well enough to let go - he stayed around our house. He would come running when I came home from work - right up the pants leg, up the shirt and onto my shoulder all squeaky and happy like. They make a pretty cool pet friend.

Probably been poisoned - I'd leave well alone.

What does this have to do with birds?

I was putting cloths on the clothesline in my backyard and I noticed a squirrel laying on the ground tummy up flailing his arms/legs/ and tail? What should I do?