how "long range" birds know when to turn this way or that way
on their way to a resting grounds?
yes , they know birds navigate by a combination of being able to sense the magnetic field to know south from north and by using landmarks they recognize .for some species they can actually tell its a a certain tree when they get where they are going and know its the same tree they nested in the year before too . I guess the term bird brained is not that accurate because they are actually quite smart
there are blue heron nests a few miles from my house that have been used by the same birds year after year ( this is known because biologists have tracked certain birds with tags over the last 5 years ) and the herons come back every year within a week of the same time , using the tracking info and the fact the herons may not survive if they can't best in the same region as they are used to a local group managed to keep these trees from being cut down by a developer who agreed to build around them and leave them on the properly for as long as the tress remain alive
scientists also know that birds that fly north and south based on seasons use a combination of air pressure and temperature to tell when to leave
ever been able to deductively-- with tested accuracy--find out
how "long range" birds know when to turn this way or that way
on their way to a resting grounds?