Step 2: once ur birds have mastered the step up technique, try to take it out of the cage (if the bird is willing to or give them their time).
If it comes out then reward it with its favorite treat. In this way u can gain its trust.
Step 3: once this is done try to target train ur birds and try to teach them new tricks. Which can be taught without target tra(Search in youtube u will find many of them uploading such videos).
Few channels which show u such training session s are-(which I think are good)
Parrot whisperer
Parrot wizard
Hope this would have helped.
All the best for ur training session with ur birds.
I'm sorry to tell you this, but usually when budgies have other budgie companions, they won't really bond with humans. They see humans as a danger, and unless you get them when they're really young, taming them is extremely difficult. I'll include a link in my source for you to learn more, but I don't think you should get your hopes high about it.
Budgies can be very fussy eaters, and refuse to eat their fruits and vegetables. There's not much you can do to force them to eat, but you should still offer them these foods. Hang slices of the foods in their cage (but remember not to leave them in there too long because the fruit/veggies will rot) or use a grate to shred veggies and offer them to the birds in a separate bowl than their seeds.
Good luck with your birds.
I really need help taming my parakeets, I have 1 female parakeet that I had for 5 months and 2 green parakeets 1 female 1 male and I recently got them in march.
I need help taming them and gaining there love and trust to me. Also any advice on how to get your parakeets to eat there fruits and veggies? Thx ppl????