> HELP my parakeet's beak is way too long!!!?

HELP my parakeet's beak is way too long!!!?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
You need to get somebody experienced to trim your bird's beak, you might be able to get this done cheaply from a bird rescue. It's not an outrageous cost, not much more than getting a dog's nails trimmed if it is at all(Depends on the vet).

Your bird shouldn't need to have a beak trim very often or at all if your bird has lots of things to chew on. I find that natural branches are the best perches and don't cost a thing. Willow branches are great because birds love chewing on them and it's nutritious. Things from stores such as the gravel to put at the bottom of the cage(Suppose to help digestion and provide calcium), sand paper covers for perches(Suppose to help trim nails), etc. are mostly useless(waste of money), some stuff can even be harmful to your bird.

Ideally you want to provide a few chew-able, wood, plastic, destructible and indestructible toys. Mostly natural perches as birds don't like perfectly round straight perches and prefer bends and curves(They also like to chew the bark off branches). The bendable rope perches from stores are pretty good for the most part, they're not perfect perches, they're a different texture for their feet(You want them to have different textures and sizes to perch on) and you can bend them the way you want to fit in the cage. Maybe a cuttle bone or mineral block to chew on. Newspaper, paper towels or regular paper for the bottom of the cage. That's about it, and your bird should have plenty to keep his beak occupied.

Do NOT trim a birds beak yourself, you could make it worse. You can try a local pet shop if you can't go to a vet's office

Birds in the wild have conditions to wear out their beak naturally, but it′s not the same with birds in captivity. If the beak grows too big he′ll have problems to eat and interact with his surroundings (which is what′s already happening for what I understood). You shouldn′t try to trim the beak yourself as you can end up hurting his tongue or some other organ, so I′m sorry to say that you′ll have to pay a professional to do it. Maybe in a shelter they can help you to get it done cheaply. Good luck with it.

I'm not a bird owner but I'm pretty sure they make clippers specifically for bird beaks. Did you check the pet shop or Amazon?

Its super long and skinny i think its touching it's neck! it has toys and seed to chew on and those beak grinder things i feel terrible i never noticed this before?! it probably can't eat and i want to bring it to the vet but my mom said its a lot of money! is there a way to trim it ourselves or would that hurt him? PLEASE HELP! i don't know how long it's been like this ifk how i never noticed it earlier