> HELP!!i found a baby finch!!?

HELP!!i found a baby finch!!?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
First fill a ziplock baggy with warm water, cover it with a cloth to keep bird warm, if your not sweating the bird is cold. You will not be able to raise this bird on your own, call the game warden or an animal rehabilitation center, they have people trained and ready for this situation. They will take the bird or tell you the best ways to take care of it. Crushed worm mixed with water through an eyedropper is a feeding method

Okay so my neighbor's teenage daughter found a baby finch who fell out of her nest and she couldn't find the nest and the baby finch was fallen onto the sidewalk and her leg is broken! I was going to ask what to do about her leg but then another problem came along there are I think mites? Or lice? Or maybe these bugs appear when a bird is dying I DONT KNOW but they randomly appeared on her body when we brought it in our home! Some of the bugs have red on their backs (butts) lmao but seriously I try getting rid of them again and again I wiped the bird with a wet cloth with warm water and right now she is in a box under my light to keep warm and the baby finish is literally an inch long maybe the size of a big paper clip but she has a decent amount of feathers on her wings and head and o my god I don't know what to do I really want to save it but first I have to get rid of the bugs she can't even eat but she can drink water drip by drip but right now she is doing a movement with her mouth every ten seconds like she is slowly chirping but she isn't making a sound I feel as if she isn't feeling very well and maybe she is doing that to help herself breath please help ASAP!!