> HELP! My canary lost a nail and i don't know what to do!?

HELP! My canary lost a nail and i don't know what to do!?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
The ball sounds like a blood blister.

You should call the local vet and see if they will check out your bird today or first thing in the morning.

You - should keep some corn starch handy. If you don't have any - go to the store and buy some right now. This way if that toe nail area starts to bleed - use the corn starch to stop the bleeding. Birds do not have much blood inside them - any bleeding of more than 2 or 3 drops is cause for concern!

If that is a blood blister - I bet $$ your bird is not going to leave it alone and is gonna get that baby to pop and bleed. Might kill it. Birds - cannot leave well enough alone - they constantly pick at wounds and the wounds of nearby birds.. I have five. They don't call them bird brains for nothing.

lick it throughly and stick it back in

My male canary lost a nail and now he only stands on one foot and sits at the bottom of the cage. I've noticed that where his nail was, its now starting to turn into some sort of ball and is kinda pinkish. Is there anything i can do to help him recover? Please someone help and answer as soon as possible!