> HELP! I stay in a 2 story apartment and recently a bird made a nest through a small air vent on the side of the building

HELP! I stay in a 2 story apartment and recently a bird made a nest through a small air vent on the side of the building

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
The birds will leave soon enough but if have to sleep in another room like the living room use ear plugs or play some music to drown out the noise or turn on a fan to keep from hearing the tiny bird feets.

Get some earplugs. In a matter of days the babies will fly away and the nest will be abandoned. Then your landlord can block the vent.

Now we hear baby birds scratching, clawing, hollering, pecking and moving all night through the walls! My landlord is lost on how to get to them without going through the wall outside because the vent is so small, SOMEONE PLEASE LET US KNOW HOW DO WE GET RID OF THESE BIRDS WITHOUT HARMING THEM????????? I HAVEN'T HAD A GOOD NIGHT SLEEP IN 5 DAYS:-(