Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Okay if your sure mom and dad have abandoned them move them inside, you need to go to a feed store or pet store and get baby bird formula. Mix a tbsp. with water until it's very watery. Then heat in microwave for a few seconds to about 115 degrees, and stir, stir, stir to make sure there aren't any hot spots in the food. If you have a syringe or any thing else to use put a few drops in each babies mouth. As they grow give them more food at each feeding. If thier new born this will need to be fed about every two hours. If thier more than 2 weeks old feed them every 4 hours. If you have any society finches, especially the males, will take over the nest and feed the chicks even though thier a different type. You can even take other finch eggs and put them in a society nest and the society finches will hatch them and raise them. So this doesn't happen again Add two male and one femaile societies to your zebra cage. The extra male will raise the next batch of babies if the parents leave them. Good luck.

heres your answer look up on yahoo.com ( breeding finches) this web page will give you all your answers to your questions...good luck

Need urgent help with what to do with the chicks. The parents have abandoned them, I'm not sure why but I'm suspecting that because theyve never raused a clutch before, they dont know what to do. The chicks are about 4 days old, and there are 5 of them. It's very very cold outside which is where they have their cage and nest and I'm very worried that they're going to die of the cold or lack of food. What should I do??? I've never tried hand rearing before.