Going to an African gray from a cockatiel and budgie is way too big of a step. I started out with a cockatiel and then went to a parakeet and then to a lovebird, then got a greencheeck conure. Now I have a greencheeck conure and a lovebird and i love them. They're great birds they're very low-maintenance also. Look in to getting a conure ! Lovebirds are very hard to train especially when they reach maturity. Conures are so cuddly and lovable. Definately get a conure. A greencheek tho because sun conures are loud and scream a lot. also greencheeks are the beginner bird of the conure world. Look into it! I'm sure you'll love it
I have had a budgie and two cockatiels in the past. The budgie and the second cockatiel were both parent raised and the first cockatiel was hand raised. The birds were all great (although I will admit that the parent raised birds were a bit more difficult).
I am now ready for another bird and I want something a bit more difficult and bigger. I want an idea of what would be a great bird for a moderate owner. I don't really care about noise level and talking ability. I just want a bird that will be okay home alone while everyone is gone.
I will be able to take the bird out in the morning for at least half an hour and then for at least an hour when I get back (it will most likely be about two hours). I don't think cage size is a big problem. I think whatever size the bird needs, I can find a spot for. I also want to get an aviary in the future.
I do love african greys, but I heard they can be kind of timid. We have a lot of family and friends nearby, so people are constantly coming in and out of the house. It would be nice to have a bird that would be okay with that.
I would be getting the bird from a rescue, so I'm sure I would be able to find a good match, but I want to know if there are any species I should look for.