> Good Birds/Parrots for Moderate Owners?

Good Birds/Parrots for Moderate Owners?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
It's really according to your price range and how big you want to go. I raise birds so here is some information that might help you make a decision. Most people love conures. There are several different kinds, colors, and sizes; and they all have great personalities. Green cheek conures are a little larger than a cockatiel and prices start about $150.00 from a breeder not a pet store. They have a sweet sound, not to loud and if hand raised love people. They have a wonderful sweet, loving personality. Another favorite conure is the Jenday. This is a larger conure, a little more of a challenge. They have great personalities, are silly and love to make you laugh. As babies they'll lay on their backs and play, and sometimes play dead just to scare you. Lol. Their much louder but will be perfectly happy just being out of their cage once in a while and in the same room with you. They are beautiful, aristocratic looking clowns with fabulous personalites and can learn to say a few words. The breeder price usually starts about $250.00. You might also consider a quaker, their average size parrots larger than a Green Cheek Conure but slightly smaller than a Jenday. They come in green, blue, yellow, and white and a few colors in between. They can learn to talk up a storm and if hand raised are sweet and cuddly. Cute personalities not to demanding and their slightly quitter than Jendays. Prices start about $150.00 at breeders. I hope this helps.

Going to an African gray from a cockatiel and budgie is way too big of a step. I started out with a cockatiel and then went to a parakeet and then to a lovebird, then got a greencheeck conure. Now I have a greencheeck conure and a lovebird and i love them. They're great birds they're very low-maintenance also. Look in to getting a conure ! Lovebirds are very hard to train especially when they reach maturity. Conures are so cuddly and lovable. Definately get a conure. A greencheek tho because sun conures are loud and scream a lot. also greencheeks are the beginner bird of the conure world. Look into it! I'm sure you'll love it

I have had a budgie and two cockatiels in the past. The budgie and the second cockatiel were both parent raised and the first cockatiel was hand raised. The birds were all great (although I will admit that the parent raised birds were a bit more difficult).

I am now ready for another bird and I want something a bit more difficult and bigger. I want an idea of what would be a great bird for a moderate owner. I don't really care about noise level and talking ability. I just want a bird that will be okay home alone while everyone is gone.

I will be able to take the bird out in the morning for at least half an hour and then for at least an hour when I get back (it will most likely be about two hours). I don't think cage size is a big problem. I think whatever size the bird needs, I can find a spot for. I also want to get an aviary in the future.

I do love african greys, but I heard they can be kind of timid. We have a lot of family and friends nearby, so people are constantly coming in and out of the house. It would be nice to have a bird that would be okay with that.

I would be getting the bird from a rescue, so I'm sure I would be able to find a good match, but I want to know if there are any species I should look for.