> Getting my first bird this week! tips and info needed?

Getting my first bird this week! tips and info needed?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Get good quality pellets and feed fruit and veg amongside. Also millet, as a treat.

There are plently of toys out there, it's best to look in pet shops for them. If it's hand tame then you should train to come to you when you say it's name or put your arm out.

If it's not tame you won't want to let it out.

Also make sure your room is secure or it's going to escape.

You cant keep a bird in a cage, thats animial cruelty

So this week, I'm going to get my baby cobalt blue female Linnie!

I'm excited, but I've never had a bird before. I know some basic things (food, cage size, toys, exercise ect..) but I was just wondering if there were things I should know from other Linnie owners, or other bird owners in general.