> Found a bird? help!?

Found a bird? help!?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
It looks like a wild bird, possibly still a baby or fledgling since the wing and tail feathers don't look like they are fully grown. When you find a bird like this, it is best to leave it alone, maybe keep an eye on it from a distance for a few hours if you think there is any reason for concern. If you see the parents feed it, then leave it alone; if the bird seems to be in trouble, call your local nature center or vet to find out if there is anything you should do and if so, what. For this bird, call a nature center or vet to find out whether you should bring it in, or return it to where you found it.

Take it to a wildlife centre as soon as you can. You should never try and feed a wild bird. Some things are not good for them to eat. Just keep it in a shoe box with a towel with some holes punched into it. Get it help asap. Hope the little guy is gonna be okay :)

Soak a small piece of white bread in water sprinkle a little dirt on it then feed it to him or her. The dirt will help the food digest and the water soaked bread will give the bird a drink. Also if you could feed it some earthworms that would also be great.

take it to a vet or human society. It may have a broken wing or limb you can't see. If you feed it you need to use a dropper. You really need to take this bird to someone before you leave so they can professionally help it.

Take it to a vet or animal shelter.

hey so I found a bird on the ground about 2 days ago and it couldn't move and I tried giving it bird seeds and it wouldn't eat so I brought it home so that the bugs wouldn't eat it alive and I feel like that wasn't a good thing to do but I felt really bad for it I really did. He/She is really nice, it doesn't try to bite and me and my sister have tried to help it fly but it can only do it for maybe a few feet and then it falls and it can't take off without our help. I'm on vacation right now in Kansas Coty so in 4 days I have to let it go because my airline doesn't allow pets. is there anything I can do to help it fly or will it learn by itself? Also how do I feed it? I have tried to feed it birdseeds and whole wheat bread. I try to get him to drink milk or water but its hard because he doesn't voluntarily open his beak, I have to grab him and he squaks and I near pluckers with some bread/seeds and put them in his beak and he swallows it but its hard to feed him when he refuses to squak. I really need help, I dont want him to suffer