> Found Baby Bird?

Found Baby Bird?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
I also had a similar experience of finding a baby bird on the floor in my backyard, supposedly fell from the nest.

Basically what I did was I put him in a tall card board box with a small towel wrapped up to form a very snug makeshift nest in the corner of the enclosure. I'm under the impression birds like their nests very snug, plus leave extra space in the box because baby birds will sit their bum over the edge of the nest and poop outside as opposed to where they sit.

Just make sure the box you're keeping it is in a room with moderate temperature, set the makeshift nest so it's snug around the baby (try not to touch it too much as the parents will recognize by scent as well as sound), and cover the box half way with a towel so the box has a more regulated temperature but not so much that there is no airflow. Then just leave the box alone till morning, he should be just fine. Anymore questions ask :) good luck

If it's alive tomorrow I'd take it to the nearest animal rescue center. Most counties have them, and even some cities have them. Most birds are notoriously hard to take care of, and won't survive.

Something to keep in mind, birds found on the ground, etc. are generally either pushed out by their siblings or have been ousted by their parents (some birds, the parents will pick the runt, and kick them out to focus on the strong chicks). This means that the bird typically won't come back for the chick, and if put back in the nest, will just get pushed right back out.

As far as scent goes, that's a myth. Birds don't use scent to identify their young, it all goes back to what I've already listed. Most likely it was rejected, and if put back, will still be rejected (regardless of you handling it or not).

Again, find a rescue center, they'll have the best chance of taking care of it.

So far your doing good. If this baby already has feathers he's at least 2 weeks old. The problem is that by daylight he's going to be starving. See if you can figure out what you might be able to feed him in the morning. Makes sure what ever it is that it's warm, baby birds eat thier food at 115 degrees. If you heat it in the microwave be sure to stir it so there are no hot spots and whatever it is should be very runny, almost water. Very runny oatmeal might work until you can get some baby bird formula at a pet or feed store, or until you can get him to a rescue. Good luck.

So my family and I just found a baby bird under the kitchen table after hearing a bunch of chirping(my cat dragged it in, though he seemed only to have been playing with it) and I've got it wrapped up in a small towel in a box. It has feathers, and from some pictures I looked at, is around eight days old? I'm not sure how accurate that may be, but after it calmed down for a few minutes it jumped up and started chirping.

It seems to be alright physically, except for a possible injury under the wing, but otherwise ok. I looked up some baby bird food options and might try to make some kind of formula for it. It's 9pm where I am, and most wild bird services are unavailable, so I think I might have to keep him through the night...

I quieted him down by putting the towel over him. I read that there are distinct chirps for it's parent, and normally a female bird sits on it's young, so I figured this would be the next best thing.

Basically, my question is what to do for the night. He seems stable where he is, but perhaps there's something more I can do to keep him warm, comfortable, etc. I've never been able to rescue a baby bird like this, so I really have no experience. Any advice you can offer would be much appreciated.