My mom recently had this exact same thing happen, minus the lizard. The hawk plucked them out of the nest one by one and my mom had to witness it. She cried for two days.Most fledglings will fly after a few days, so perhaps some of them got away. If you live in the US, I don't think there are many lizards who can eat a fledgling bird. But hawks are a**holes for sure. Even though its nature, and hawks have to eat too, it does suck to see them getting the babies. As far as scaring away a hawk, not much works. They are very smart. I have heard hanging CD's around will irritate them, but have also heard that doesn't work. Best you can do is just keep an eye out and hope for the best.
There are a few fledgling birds in a bush between my house and garage. They've been there for a day now hopping from branch to branch but it doesn't seem like they can fly yet. Their nest is in a palm tree about 20 yards away and 20 feet high, I see the mother bird fly back and forth every few minutes. Yesterday, about an hour after I found the fledglings, I went outside to check on them and there was a huge lizard (about the size of my forearm) waiting underneath the fledglings so I scared him off and sat near the bush. I sat there for a couple hours making sure the lizard wouldn't return, then went inside for the night. This morning I went outside to check on them and I only saw 2 fledglings. I don't know if something happened to 1 of them during the night or if he learned to fly early this morning. And about an hour ago, I noticed from my window a bunch of loud chirps and a few pretty big shadows circling around outside so I got up to check it out. When I opened the door there were three hawks circling the bush about 25 feet high, right away I knew they were trying to get a fledgling lunch so I picked up some rocks and hurled them towards the sky. They flew away but when I looked in the bush there was only 1 fledgling left turtled up between the stem of the bush. I feel so disappointed in myself, I should have done more to help them but I really don't know what to do. I am determined to make sure this last one remains safe. What can I do? How can I help him?