> Eggs left on counter over night, are they still good?

Eggs left on counter over night, are they still good?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Provided the shells are intact, there shouldn't be a a problem. If any have cracks, you'll want to pitch those -- or if you break them into a bowl and they smell ok, cook and eat them right away.

8 hours at room temp isn't a big deal, even if it's a hot room. It takes longer than that to make them spoil.

Some recipes actually work best with a room temp egg, and for that, you usually have to leave the eggs out on the counter for about 4 hours to properly warm up (eg. Meringue doesn't whip up properly if you do it with cold whites).

Loads of supermarkerts have eggs on shelves. Not in the fridge. So overnight they'll be fine.

A good test is to see if they float - if they float they are bad.

We don't always keep eggs in the fridge.

An easy way to tell if an egg is good is to put them in a pan of water. If they float, they're bad, if they stay on the bottom, they're fine.

I have never refrigerated eggs, neither did my folks when I lived at home and I have never had a problem with them.

Go buy more eggs. Don't test this one out, believe me. The amount of bacteria that have probably grown over night is disgustingly large.

Eggs are supposed to be kept at room temperature and not in the fridge.

Your best bet is to boil them, and then you will be bacterially safe and can make egg salad or deviled eggs out of them. ^_^

Ya they will be fine. To be sure put them in water. If they float theory are no good

I just noticed my boyfriend left the 18 pack/carton of eggs we got out all night. I just got home from work and saw it. I keep the house 68 degrees. Is there any chance the eggs can be saved?