> Does my budgie's nails need clipping?

Does my budgie's nails need clipping?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
My old parakeet's nails were the same way. I didn't feel comfortable doing it myself so I just got a sandpaper perch and it worked really well. You could also get a cement perch as it files their nails down just as good. Just remember to put it where they are at most(by a food bowl or a favorite toy) to encourage them to use it.

I generally use a nail file or a pet shaver on my birds nails, once they get to sharp to keep their nails from curing. They are not going to like at first most of the time, but if you praise them afterwards it might help them the next time. Also, you can just have the vet do it for you or by a special sand paper like stick you put in their cage that will shave their nails down for them when they walk on it.

Tell your father to help you cut them. Yes please do cut them with a normal nail cutter. Cut a bit but do not cut more or in the red blood line he will start to bleed to death. Oh and even make sure to not cut his back nail ever ever ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No time to explain.

Good luck.

Once, he got his nail stuck in some string this, we cut the string thing off, and yes we took it out of the cage. The string came from a toy in the cage.

I thought that would be it, but I saw again today, his claw was stuck to the blanket that we usually put over the cage. He usually hangs upside down and panics too much. Yes we got him free again Masha'Allah.

But I am worried. Does his nails need clipping? People say only do it if they curl. Well they sort of curl. All I can say properly is that, they got stuck in a string and blanket. Should I be alert. Do they definitely need cutting Insha'Allah?

I'm not a pro at this. Is it not rocket science? I've heard about "avoid the blood vessel called the "quick" otherwise it'll bleed". It just worried me more. Can I do it Insha'Allah?
