> Does a parakeet have to be hand trained?

Does a parakeet have to be hand trained?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
It is fine however if you really aren't going to hand tame him it might be an idea to get him a friend to keep him company. That way he won't get lonley or bored. Plus two budgies are really funny to watch together. :)

yes it's ok not to. Keep in mind that getting a second bird will really make it hard to hand tame him, he will bond with his own kind. You need to catch him and hold him gently every day and scratch his head eventually he will come to enjoy it, but it takes time and patience. He sounds like he's content with his life hand tame or not. But if someone suggests to get another keet to keep him company, I wouldn't.

If he were tamed, it may be more enjoyable for both of you.

unless you speak parakeet, yes.

I was just wondering if you had to hand train a parakeet but as long as you have toys for them and if you get new ones so they don't get bored. Ive had my parakeet for almost about two years now. He doesn't mind when I put my hand in the cage but when I try to hand train him he always runs away to a spot where I can't get him. He seems like a happy bird he has treats and toys and he LOVES to talk to himself in the mirror and when I whistle he chirps he just doesn't like my finger near. I just get frustrated when trying to train him so I was just wondering if its ok not to.