> Does a dog know when you are going to pet it again?

Does a dog know when you are going to pet it again?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
rhythm has nothing to do with legs -- it has more to do with heartbeat, and dogs do have a heartbeat...

The thing is, if you are patting the dog rhythmically, and then change the rhythm, they will get anxious -- they expect the predictability, and dogs (like many animals, including humans) dislike non-predictability.

So, basically, the answer to your question: yes, they know when to expect the next pat.

Yes, because dogs are very smart.

A dog doesn't have the ability to recognise rhythm because it has four legs which don't move simultaneously (humans have it because they have 2 legs). If you pat a dog rhythmically does it know when the next pat is coming? This has been bothering me for 7 years so please help. Cheers!