> Do you feel Falconry is animal cruelty?

Do you feel Falconry is animal cruelty?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Not at all, these birds will hunt these animals naturally either way. There's also many benefits to falconry, most birds of prey in the wild don't live beyond their first year. The birds are NOT domesticated and they are NOT pets. Falconers catch these birds, and then eventually release them back into the wild, older, healthier and ready to breed thus helping the conservation of birds of prey. Falconry has played a part in helping the numbers of birds of prey after DDT poisoning, like the miraculous recovery of the peregrine falcon. Another thing falconry does is that it prevents these birds from killing threatened or endangered species.

Falconry clearly has benefits, and if it was so cruel to the bird then the bird would fly away when let loose but they don't, they come back. The reason they come back isn't because they love their falconer, they come back because they know their falconer is necessary for their survival.

Before looking at falconry as something bad, look at our most common household pets. Cats and dogs, their food is often made from horse meat which are brutally slaughtered for our domesticated animals. Is that really better than increasing the survival rate of a non-domesticated bird of prey, letting them naturally hunt for their prey?

EDIT: The enjoyment of falconry isn't in the kill, have you ever seen a falcon dive for its prey? For most people that's not a common sight, but when seen it's admired. Watching these birds in flight, their power and speed really is something worth admiring. Falconers are people who can't get enough of watching these majestic birds, I don't think anybody gets enjoyment from watching a gored up animal with blood all over...But, it's accepted as a natural occurance by the Falconer.

Oh lets ban everything if i don't like or understand.

I don't like football but millions do. I don't know why but i don't want it banned.

Falconery is an ancient sport and was once a sport of Kings.

To fly a falcon is a buzz. Its something you wouldn't be able to grasp so i won't bother to explain. Just hope that nothing you find rewarding is ever banned.

I mean it's no different then rooster fighting sports, where you raise one well prepared bird to kill another well prepared bird naturally, like they do in the wild.

But as for Falconry, you're raising one bird to kill another defenseless opponent bird or animal that has no chance to defend itself from your fighter/killer.

So is Falconry animal cruelty, and should it be banned, especially in this decade where it's not necissary to trap or raise a hawk or eagle or falco to be used to kill defenseless opponents ALL FOR GAME and ENTERTAINMENT?