> Do tadpoles need to go to the surface and breathe?

Do tadpoles need to go to the surface and breathe?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Tadpoles have internal gills. However, if there is not enough dissolved oxygen in the water, they would come up to the surface and gulp air, just like fish would.

a. dont use tadpoles as bait as many anyway wont live to become frogs

b. they have gills till they are frogpoles or froglets

c. they r prob dead cause once something with gills has come out of the water for a certain length of time it cant survive in the water again cause of problems now to do with the respiratory system

My minnow trap was blown up onto a bed of weeds. The minnows were dead, but I had about 6 tadpoles in there. I put them back in the trap and threw the trap out into the water. But if the tadpoles need to breathe air, they are probably dead