> Do spiders enjoy biting humans?

Do spiders enjoy biting humans?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Truth is, spiders don't want to bite humans. They are not bloodsuckers,nor do they feed on humans.

Spiders are just not the biters people think, and most people have never been bitten by a spider, in spite of believing otherwise.

Those 'unknown' injuries like unseen biting insects, skin conditions that mimic bites, even physical injuries, are all too often blamed on the spider for no other reason than their bad rap.

If a spider gets trapped under clothing and can't run, it may bite. If a spider is crawling on you and you smack it, it may bite, If you poke a finger into a web and it thinks it is food it will try to bite.

Or if a spider is protecting eggs or young, it may bite. Defense is the only reason.

How bad are genuine spider bites? Spiders are venomous arthropods that prey on other arthropods, so their venom is not geared for larger animals. Ants, bees, wasps are also venomous, and not much different. In most humans, much like an ant sting or mild bee sting.

I have handled thousands of spiders in my day, and only bitten 4 times for handling.(my bad for trapping the spiders between fingers or provoking them.)

4 bites were from trapping spiders under clothing.

Many spiders simply can't bite human skin, some simply don't.

The giant house spider nearly has to be forced to bite. The southern house spiders is not known to bite. A myth for the cellar spiders is their venom is lethal but their fangs are too small is false on both points. they can bite, but their venom is very weak. A bite from one of these could easily go unnoticed.

So, now you know.

Spiders bite humans only in self defense, o in defense of offspring; and most of them cannot penetrate the skin anyway.

Or is it something they do out of instinct? Obviously no one knows if they enjoy it or not.

The thing is I know spiders like to catch flies and insects to eat. Do they prefer insects or humans? If they bite a human is it appetizing to them or something they do as defense?

just wondering..thanks