> Do pythons have venom?

Do pythons have venom?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
No, pythons are not venomous, and they do NOT have fangs, despite what Chaitanya says. They have around 100 small, recurved teeth used for gripping prey. Fangs are two large, hollow teeth designed to deliver venom into the prey's body - since pythons have no venom, they have no need of fangs.

Pythons are constrictors. They do not crush their prey to death as is commonly believed. They kill their prey by coiling around it and tightening their coils each time it breathes out, until it can no longer draw breath and suffocates.

Actually they aren't venomous.

They kill their prey by strangulation. They lunge at a target, coil once or twice around the prey and crush the diaphragm of the animal. This prevents the creature to breathe and it eventually dies of suffocation. But pythons do have fangs which are just used for gripping their prey.

Happy to help :)

No, pythons have no venom.

No, they don't.