> Do people with zoology or animal science degrees make a decent living?

Do people with zoology or animal science degrees make a decent living?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
And by decent I mean not falling into debt or anything like that.

The average salary is 60 - 70k starting, meaning it increases as you get more experience and are able to be paid more as you become more professional.

Even with a college debt of 100k to 150k, that salary could pay it off with manageable payments. Most Zoologists (like my friend) had to get a masters to get the job they wanted. However, they love the job and have no problems with debt or anything. If it is what you want to do, this is not a bad place to be.

There are degrees that cost the same amount of money and graduates only make 30 - 40k and are still fine paying back loans. Don't let that scare you. However, make sure it is what you want to do, you would be paying the loan more than five years.

Most of them fall seriously in debt even if they make $60,000 per year. Most earn less. Dog veterinarians however make big money.

And by decent I mean not falling into debt or anything like that.