> Do people that live in northern Alaska and Canada have a diet of only meat?

Do people that live in northern Alaska and Canada have a diet of only meat?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
The people living that lifestyle also live a very strenuous life, lots of exercise. Also, the fat they are eating is mostly from marine animals, so it is no doubt different from and more healthful than beef, chicken, or mutton.

On the other hand, the whole lifestyle is very hazardous, especially with the decline of wildlife, so it is likely that many would not die of old age.

And of course, now these people are living partly in the modern way, eating modern food and using modern medicine, though not the best of either, are now falling prey to the aliments of civilization.

The Maasai tribe of Kenya and Tanzania also traditionally had a diet mostly consisting of animal products. It consisted of raw meat, raw milk and blood from their cattle, plus children herding the livestock would snack on fruits along the way. Those who are still living something close to the traditional life have been studied and found to have much healthier hearts, for instance, than urban people.

In the 21st century we have things knows as highways, trucks, trains, airplanes, plus the ability to refrigerate or can fruits and vegetables. Sorry, northern peoples of Canada and Alaska have access to most foods available anywhere else in North America. Food is usually more expensive, fresh fruits may be highly seasonal, but it is certainly available.

Yes, most northern people do hunt or purchase meet from hunters. Fish and sea mammals is also common.

Maybe traditionally, but not anymore. We have grocery stores and internet for ordering foods so our diet is much more balanced.

I have seen some TV shows of people that live in those areas. They seem to primarily eat animal meat and fat. Is it possible and safe to do that? I assume that may get some berries in the summer but their diet to consist of 95% animal meat and fat.