> Do ligers live in the wild or are they only in captivity?

Do ligers live in the wild or are they only in captivity?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
I'm talking about the lion/tiger hybrid cat.

ligers are not natural and are only a result of captive breeding, whether by an accident or forcing a lion and tigress to breed. they're very unhealthy hybrids because they grow too big. Male lions' have a gene that makes the unborn cub grow quickly in the womb. This is normally counteracted by the female lion's gene that stops the growth. A female tiger does not have that, so the cub's growth isn't stopped. Think of it like yeast; if you don't add salt, it's going to grow until it's spilling out of the bowl

it was my understanding they were a forced breed. lions are from africa ect but tigers are from asia and eastern europe so they would not meet in a normal situation ?

i have read that in india they have both tigers and lions but they still do not breed ? and there are only a few asiatic lions left .

lions and tigers need a lot of space and they also get hunted a lot so they are both endangered species. they would not naturally breed

I'm talking about the lion/tiger hybrid cat.