If she has infertile eggs, make sure to give her lots of cuttle bone for calcium so the eggshells can be strong so she can lay the eggs with more success and that she gets lots of veggies and fruits! It's always nice to get a vet visit though, just in case. Good luck!
Also--they lay on their eggs for about 18 to around mid 20 days. You can candle the eggs, just go in a dark room, and hold a light under the egg. If you see vein-like patterns, it could be fertile!
Website on detecting tumor or lumps and about cyst in parakeet: http://www.birdchannel.com/bird-diet-and...
Sorry, not trying to freak you out with the lump being something bad, but just in case, hopefully it's a cute little egg! I care about the bird so yeah, had to point it out!
Females can lay eggs without a mate. The eggs won't hatch unless the birds have mated.
If there is any chance they have mated than this egg can be fertile. After 3-4 days of incubation, you can shine a flash light on the egg to see development. It won't harm the baby.
I have a very old cranky male budgie and I got him a younger female friend about a year ago because he was loney from his other friend passing away. She came with a small nest but I didn't want breeding so I threw it out..
I just bought another wicker one big enough for one bird to sit in (which they never use) and now she has a grape sized buldge below her belly.
My first bird is getting up there in age and I just bought the nest in case he'd like to rest.. I don't know.. he's never taken advantage of nestling down on anything and I figured standing for like 10 years is a little tiring lol.. but they never touched the thing that I've seen.
I know that females only lay eggs if there's a nest so I don't know why I got one with her in the cage, but they don't touch eachother at all so I thought I was safe..
Anyways.. they can lay eggs like chickens where they aren't fertilized right? My boy and her are fine together but he likes his space and doesn't stay too close to her so I can't see them doing their business with eachother.
If this is an egg.. how long until she lays it? And can I safely put a flashlight up to it to check inside? If it is a baby I don't want to harm it.