Owls and eagles are predators. In general predators are smarter than prey because they need to outsmart their prey or they will starve. Owls and eagles do have above average for birds, but crows are among the smartest birds around. Only ravens are smarter than crows. Parrots are nearly as smart as crows.
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I believe that eagles have somewhat better vision for long distances. But crows have excellent vision also.
Eagles are generally quite intelligent birds, but crows, ravens, and magpies (corvids) are even more intelligent.
I do not think any of these birds are particularly evasive or stealthy.
Eagles can fly faster as they have to to catch their prey. Their only food is fresh caught meat. Crows have a more varied diet. Though they will kill smaller creatures to eat, they generally go for easier prey, and carrion. And they eat a lot of plant based foods also.
Crows are known for their curiosity and varied interests, more than eagles are.
I think crows (like all corvids) are more intelligent, but eagles are faster. No idea about how observant or stealthy they are. Crows can monitor things, for instance count how many people go into a hut, and how many come out (they can keep count up to 4 or 5 I think). Eagles can see things moving from a huge distance, they have the better eyesight of the two.
I really like both Eagles and Crows. I just want to know a few facts about them both:
Which is more intelligent?
Which is more stealthy/can evade.
Which is faster?
And which is more observant?