> Do chickens bond with their owners?

Do chickens bond with their owners?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
I am getting chicks soon and I am wondering if they'll bond with me. I am also wondering how could I get this chicken to bond with me?

Get the birds as young as possible. Hand feed them in addition to the free rations they will have. The more time you spend with them the tamer they will get. Don't chase or try to hold them if they don't want to as it will only make them fearful of you. They do not bond the way geese do. They do not have that instinct. Even in gees and ducks its only temporary. Sitting quietly on the ground with them near you is the best hand feed them well cooked hard boiled finely chopped up egg. Good luck. if you are with them several times a day they will be very calm around you.

I know that it is bad to hold chickens too often, although a little is okay. Just spend some time with them every day. Feed them and then stay with them, so they connect you and food in their mind. I had a rooster when I was little that would let me scratch his back after I gave him food.

I am getting chicks soon and I am wondering if they'll bond with me. I am also wondering how could I get this chicken to bond with me?