A cat's eyesight doesn't work like ours. The Cat's brain seem to be focused more on MOVEMENT than of shapes. Of course, cats are also color blind. they see in black and white, so the color of a snake makes no difference at all to teh cat..
But if you make any tiny movement in a cat's vision (like with a toy or a bug or a laser light) they WILL see that and pounce. This is why cast like MOVING toys, and why they seem totally blind when you flip a paper wad and it lands right in front of them. if it doesn't move, they have trouble seeing it.
On the other hand, the animals cats hunt (like mice) have the instinct to stand REAL STILL when they are in danger. Now, since the cat's vision focuses on MOVEMENT, the prey becomes effectively INVISIBLE to the cat! But, when the prey gets nervous, and twitches even so much as a whisker --- !BAM! -- the cat gets lunch.
Since cats see MOVEMENT, and the snake isn't afraid of the cat, the snake WILL move, and the cat WILL pounce. Thus it APPEARS like the cat has some "special ability", but in fact the only thing different is that the cat sees things different than we do.
Otherasie, cat's don;t caer if youare naked , or nmot.
A tiger can hear five times better than a human, they have been known to hear the guns of poachers being loaded from afar and successfully escaping. So they will easily hear a snake. They can also hear rodents underground. Gary B is fairly on point with what he wrote, although cats can barely see prey, it only takes a slight ear twitch to be noticed.
The eyesight of a tiger is worse than that of a humans in daytime, as they see more in depth than detail and can only focus clearly on objects at eye level. They do however, have the most accurate binocular vision out of all carnivores used for judging distances. Due to a reflective layer at the back of their eye called tapetum lucidum, they can see six times better at night. In the dark, a tiger has the brightest eyes out of all animals which is usually a burning red colour.
Eyesight doesn't really matter though, a tiger can still hunt and kill prey even when blindfolded, just by relying on the wind direction from the supercilary, genal and mystacial whiskers. Sorry that I only talk about tigers, it is the only feline I know absolutely everything about.
My cat is probably one of the best nake-detector in the whole world. He's already detected five nakes so far this week.
Evidently so. Whenever I undress, my cat always starts scratching at my door.
nakes hehe