> Do baby robins stay close to the place they were born?

Do baby robins stay close to the place they were born?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Do baby Robins stay close to the nest after they flew away

Robins are migratory. When they choose a safe and sucessful nesting site, the territory provides enough food, space, etc to support the bird family. They will stay in the area as it provides for all of them until the time arrives that they will return to their wintering grounds. Nesting itself is dangerous, as the nest is at risk of predation when the little ones are unable to fly. Other birds, raccoons, snakes, all are predators of eggs, and young chicks. Once they fledge, they do not return to the nest at all, but will stay as long as there is food and water to support their needs.

I have one hanging around my place now for a couple of weeks. Parents to. They keep feeding it.

Do baby Robins stay close to the nest after they flew away