We really have no way of knowing because we cannot read animal minds. Animal behavior experiments do not suggest that animals, including our closest relatives, are capable of making a connection between what they do at present with what may happen in the future. For example, it is easy enough for us to plant a seed in the ground and connect that act with having a plant germinate and grow in the future. Animals, including chimps, cannot make the same connection.
Humans worship or fear god because we think that if we act a certain way that please or displease god, we will then be rewarded or punished in the future. For example, humans believe that if we worship god, he may bring us abundant rain and sunshine for a bountiful harvest. OTOH, if we did something that angered him, then he may give us years of drought or failed crops. Since animals seem to be incapable of making similar connections between cause and effect, they would be unlikely to believe there is an invisible agent that can effect a future outcome based on something they may have done in the past.
All human behavior has precursors in the animal kingdom - we have documented animals doing ritual displays involving faith in certain outcomes but there is no god except in the mind of humans.
Which god?
No. They lack the imagination that humans have.
My dogs see me as god while my cat see herself as god. Such a demanding little fur ball. She slapped her cat food off my hands.
I'm sure dinosaurs and mosquitoes are just roaming in heaven!!
Heck no.
Why do you think humans worship animals in some parts of the world?
If animals had a choice, they would view god as one of their own. An elephant would think an elephant is god.
For the same reasons, Abrahamic religions teach that men [not women] are made in god's image. It is a self-gratifying impulse.
how would we know (we cannot ask and expect them to tell us what they imagine)? An awfully lot of animal behavior can be compared to how a primitive man or child reacts to the world and interprets power and arbitrariness in nature. My cats appear to worship me like a god, in that way of looking at things. They "worship" me when they want food (abase themselves and tell me how great I am), they thank me and give me presents (dead animals), perhaps even sacrificing those things for me, killing them with the idea to present the fruit of their labor to me. IS that not how humans worship gods?
Seems only humans are subjected to the God Delusion.
Are there any animals out there that appear to praise God?
No. Jesus didn't die for animals. When animals die they just rot in the ground. Only humans can get into heaven