OH my gosh its very rare but yes you do. Unfortunatly, twin chicks have a 5% chance of both surviving and a 10% chance of one surviving. Its hard for them because they have to share food inside the egg and the air in a tiny air sac. When hatching day comes, you may need to help them out. Don't listen to people who say don't help it out because helping it out is the only chance of the chick surviving. When they start peeping and makeing cracks in the egg, gently chip away the shell with a tweezer. After that, wet the membrance skin and start tearing it open slowly. If it starts bleeding, quickly wrap it in a towel and put it back in your incubator until it stops bleeding. Slowly do that until they are both out. The birth cord may be attached to each other so don't pull it off, it just comes out itself. Keep them warm and hope for the best.
Hey I started incubating 6 eggs 5 days ago and this is the only egg that is showing veins.. But when I looked at it today I see two hearts beating and what looks like two separate embryo.. I didn't candle the egg prior to putting in so don't know if it was a double yolk..
I looked online and found it's possible.. If I have twin chicks.. Will they survive??