> Discouraging foxes at night?

Discouraging foxes at night?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Call animal control or install sprinklers. Installing sprinklers is the best. You can add pepper spray in the sprinklers. It will hurt them for a while but not kill them

Wtf? Pepper spray sprinklers? Lol...pretty sure that's not the answer.

I'd try mountain lion urine or the scent of some other predator.

I can't sleep at night until 2am because the foxes outside are constantly screaming/howling/barking and squealing. On top of that the neighbors' dogs (and my own) go absolutely nuts, my dog also has a very high prey drive and goes crazy when she hears them.

It probably doesn't help that NONE of my surrounding neighbors maintain their gardens, but my garden is clear of any rubbish, food etc, my dog pees and poos and they still come in. My fences are tall but they use my neighbors wall to jump it and anytime I let my dog out at night she's chasing off foxes (inches from catching them) I don't want her to, so how do I discourage them from my garden?

They are starting to poo and I'm worried of diseases/viruses my dog could get, I can't keep my dog outside because she desperately tries to escape to get the foxes. I understand foxes are not classed as pests and I wouldn't want any harm to come to them, but what are some humane ways of keeping them away!!