> Did lions and tigers ever coexist?

Did lions and tigers ever coexist?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
The Asiatic lion and the Bengal tiger coexisted in Central India. The Asiatic lion has since been nearly wiped out so their ranges do not overlap now. Lions once ranged across east Asia and even into North America. The tiger once ranged as far as the Caspian Sea, and cave lions once roamed Europe. Therefore these two cats have ranges that either came close to each other or overlapped in the past, but not today.

It is true that tigers are stronger and bigger than lions now, but the North American lion was even bigger than the Siberian tiger. Further, tigers are solitary, but lions are social. A pride of lions is more than a match for a single tiger. These 2 cats seldom meet because they evolved in different types of habitats. Lions evolved in the open African savanna, where they need to engage in group defense against other lions and hyenas. Tigers favor forests, where they can hunt alone and can defend their territories against single tigers.

Cal King is correct, they're both in Asia but don't overlap. It is thought by experts that tigers ran lions out of India.

Robin David, TOI Ahmedabad Bureau, "Should Gir lions be shifted to MP?", Times of India, June 23, 2006

"Conservationists are united when it comes to the need to have an alternate home for the lion so that its gene pool can be protected and its population be encouraged to grow again in areas other than Gujarat where it once ruled the forests till it was edged out by the tigers and humans. While some such attempts in the past have failed, others say Gujarat's pride is not as important as preserving the lion."

Franklin Russell, "The Hunting Animal", Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc., New York, 1983

"The lion … reaching northern India before they were halted, presumably by tigers coming from the other direction." (P.38)

Kenneth Anderson, "The Call of the Man-Eater", Chilton Books, Philadelphia and New York, 1961

"The tiger came down from the north-from Siberia and Manchuria-and the lion slowly began to lose ground before that more active animal." (P. 210)

S.K. Nanda (Wildlife Expert)

“Lions and tigers can’t stay in the same forest,” said S.K. Nanda, state environment and forest secretary. “There are tigers at Kunopalpur. We won’t sacrifice our lions.”

Jack Denton Scott, "Speaking Wildly", William Morrow & Company, Inc. New York, 1966

"Often larger and stronger than the lion, the tiger is credited with driving it from India" (P. 256)

Dionne Bunsha, "A kingdom too small", Frontline , Vol. 22, Issue 10, May 7-20, 2005

"They say it is dangerous for the lions to be in tiger territory."

