> Dead buffalo doesn't disgust me, but dead lions do.?

Dead buffalo doesn't disgust me, but dead lions do.?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
I feel the same, probably because you're closer to that animal. Like if a random person died, you wouldn't care, but if it was a family member or friend; you would. I guess you just like tigers and lions more than buffaloes.

maybe because big cats are so similar looking to pets or because they look pretty/cool compared to buffalo. it may also be because you're used to seeing prey animals dead rather than seeing predators dead

Whenever I see an animal like a buffalo, getting eaten by other animals like big cats or wild dogs, it doesn't disgust me.

But when I see a big cat, a lion for example, that has got hit by a car, or a pile of tiger skins, or a picture of a man with a gun standing over a lion he's just killed, it DOES digest me. Why is that?