> Dad got me a bird, I dont want it?

Dad got me a bird, I dont want it?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
You're a spoilt brat and don't deserve any gifts. Face up to life and yr dad. NEVER ask for another pet.

Just take the cage outside and turn it loose....better the bird has a chance than sit in a cage and be ignored to the point that he eventually is neglected to death.

well.... if it is not returnable then... i'm not sure.. but yes, you should tell him that you don't want it anymore and if he yells.. he yells. also... i wanted a bird what type is he? :D i'm a 14 year old girl and have a my share of pets... birds snakes bunnies and so on... they've all died though :/

There's a few paths. The honest one: simply make sure he is aware of this fact so that it doesn't end up dying of neglect. The sneaky one: find it another home and tell your father it escaped through the window/door.

Ask for a ring, make sure the bird doesn't sing or else it wont work.

Keep it Your dad brought you that and he is depending on you to look after it Guessing he brought for you from the kindness of his heart. my mum brought me a hamster unexpectedly and i still have it she has became Something important to us now you should be glad your dad gave you something that needs someone with alot of responsibility he trusts you

When you asked for a bird, you should have been up to the responsibility of getting one. I was was your parent, I would be disappointed that I felt that you had enough responsibility, but when you actually had one, failed to take care of it. Please find him/her a good home.

I think you should turn it into a dish of fried bird