> Cutting parrots nail and it started bleeding?

Cutting parrots nail and it started bleeding?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
It probably didn't hurt him, because of how small the cut was. It could've been that you caught his skin or that you cut a vain however he should be fine but make sure it don't bleed to long

I've heard that if you put flour on it it should stop the bleeding but I would look that up before trying it

You should have styptic powder on hand to stop the bleeding, but you can use flour in an emergency. Their blood does not clot, you have to make sure it stops.

I have an African Grey Parrot and this isn't the first time I've cut his nails, I'd rather do it than take him to the vet because he gets too stressed and this time he might've moved a bit and I ended up cutting a little too much but I didnt notice until I finished cutting the rest and he didnt even react. What should I do??