Spider egg sacs will usually be suspended in some webbing.
If you find more in the future, just carefully pull it loose without crushing it, and put it under some bushes.
No need to freak out, even if they are binary spiders, they are totally harmless.
Ok so my sister found this white cotton cocoon spiderweb like thing in the cup holder of my mom's car. She wanted me to pick up the cocoon and put it in a cup, I poked it with a stick, but couldn't penetrate it because it was thick and well held together and I didn't want a bunch of baby spiders in the car (Incase it was a spider egg thing)We could see some weird spider-like thing wiggling around it in. So my mom grabbed a rock and smashed it instead and put it in the cup and guess what, It was bright green. I'm not talking some brownish mush green, It was neon green, we can't tell what was in the cocoon now since we smashed it up into a bright green mush pile, but we're freaking out, what the heck was it?!!