Great question! Condors and Eagles can fly pretty high, but they never do. They are pretators and need to be close to the ground in order to hunt. The highest flying bird is actually... are ya ready?... A goose.
Geese are the highest flying and they do it to avoid... Eagles and Condors and other enemies... so there ya go... Oh and btw- check out the Turkey Vulger... hilarous birds known to fly 15000 feet over the rockies to nest in southern Texas and northern Mexico... red headed huge birds with 6 foot wing spans... crazy.
Certainly, the Andean Condor has been known to soar at much higher altitudes than any eagle has been known to reach.
"Condors can soar to altitudes of 18,000 feet, and to keep their heads warm at that height they tuck them into a downy, white neck ruff."
Do condors fly higher than eagles?