> Cockatiels, they don't require help raising babies right?

Cockatiels, they don't require help raising babies right?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Add soft food twice a day for 2 weeks and then once a day.Also soak some seed for 24 hrs.rinse and feed in a separate dish, daily.Do not forget to give them a portion of fruit or veg. daily.Regarding the other answer,they are not ready to re home until you see them feeding themselves,usually about 2 weeks after leaving the nestbox.

No they don't need help and can become aggressive of you try to go near the babies just wait for them to leave the nest then they are ready for rehoming

I mean I don't want to hand feed them. I'm not going to hand feed them. Do I need to feed the parents certain food to give to them? Don't tell me to interfere and hand feed or take them from their parents to raise because I refuse. I'm letting nature do it's thing so if you're going to reccomend something snobby and immature then **** off. :)