> Cockatiel Help!?

Cockatiel Help!?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
You must move the mirror!!!! He might get attacked when he will see himself in the mirror at night. Clean his cage and let him sleep much earlier. Oviously h's sick. Give him a bowl of warm water in the cage where he can have a nice bath to clean his feathers they may be dirty so he's taking them off. He might have fell down at night or something. Check if his shape, body, legs or feathers are okay. Feed him well. You should refresh his food and water bowls 3 times a day for him to be healthy and happy. Replace the cage in ur bedroom incase something happens to him at night time. Call a vet as well. Hope that helped,


He may be grooming or molting, or he may have a medical issue.

Recently my Male Cockatiel (Who's about 8 months) has started to act really worrying, I'm not sure whenever he is about to get sickness or just his normal behavior.

He has a mirror where he usually spends time by on his perch and its where he sleeps, yesterday during the evening he got a night fright, he suddenly started flying around his cage very frightened but eventually went back on his perch, I turned off the lights and went to sleep and so did he.

Today he has been puffed up through most of the day shivering and constantly cleaning himself. Sometimes he is picking out small feathers (which get stuck in his beak oddly sometimes).

He did not go eat like he usually does in the early morning when I come, but eventually later in the afternoon he went to drink water and eat (alot), He

Throughout the day he just seemed tired, very quiet and sleepy but looked completely normal, he slept like he usually sleeps on one leg (normal cockatiel behaviour), when I came near him he stretched like he usual)

I checked his droppings and they seem to be fine (colour - green/white)

So far he has only went to eat once where he normally goes about atleast a few times.

He has started to sing now but is constantly cleaning and picking out small feathers!

My cockatiel is not yet tamed fully, I let him out of his cage every month and try to interact with him.

So why has he been acting strangely today?

Is he about to molt? Is he tired because of lack sleeping? Is he sick?